Taste Lessons
What is Taste lessons?
Taste Lessons is the national school-based lesson programme about food and eating for 4-12 year old primary schoolchildren. Experiencing food is the central focus of this programme: by tasting, feeling, listening, smelling and looking the children investigate their food. In addition, schoolchildren gain knowledge about food, nutrition and eating and experience making healthy and sustainable food choices.
Content and focus
The programme consists of five lessons per year, lasting about an hour. In each form various topics are focused on five themes: taste, eating and health, food production, consumer skills and food preparation. Experiencing and enjoyment of food are key words in the programme, in addition to giving facts. Knowledge is thereby better internalised for application. This basis will make it easier for children to make healthy and sustainable food choices later in life. They also learn better how to prepare meals and snacks. All teaching materials are streamed through the new online portal Chef!, for flexible use in schools , free of charge.
In addition to Core Taste Lessons, there are lesson modules on specific themes such as food waste, working in the school garden or protein transition. These are called Taste Missions, since the schoolchildren must complete a food mission which includes excursions to food producers or retailers.
Wageningen University & Research develops objective educational tools on food, nutrition and eating for children, in cooperation with the government, the educational sector, enterprises and social organisations. Around 75% of schools use our educational tools.
Taste Lessons & EU-Schoolfruit Unit
Phone: +31 (0)317 – 48 59 66
(Mondays through Fridays 09:00 – 12.30)
E-mail: smaaklessen@wur.nl
Postal address: Postbus 9101, 6700 HB Wageningen
Visiting address: Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708 PB Wageningen